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Why does it turn around_ Building, programming and debugging your first Engino Robot!
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programming, debugging

In this activity students are asked to build a robot (by using the Engino Robot kit). At first students in whole group discuss what it takes to make the robot move. Students are shown how to make their first program through the platform and then they are let to go to their groups, and program their first program.


Then students are shown how to transfer their program to the robot and they are asked to try their first program. Due to the fact that the two engines are build symmetrically revered, their first program makes the robot to move in wave-like shapes. Students in whole group discuss how this happen and they realize that their program needs to be fixed. They identify the necessary changes and then then move to their groups to make changes and try things out.



60 mins


18 students


Why does it turn around_ Building, programming and debugging your first Engino Robot!
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