
Italian Multiplier Event for OLMEdu project
11 Apr 2023
The final Multiplier Event for the OLMEdu project in Italy took place on March 24th at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Faculty of Economics. It was attended by 45 people among research fellows and PhD students in Management, along with students from the M.Sc. in Economics and Management.
The event has been opened by an introduction from Dr. Andrea Bonomi Savignon, who underlined the relevance of the transition to evolved models of hybrid educational tools in a period characterized by the uncertainties related to the post-pandemic scenario. Dr Bonomi Savignon then illustrated, in the first presentation of the event, the main phases and results of the OLMEdu projects, highlighting the intellectual outputs of the project and the main actionable tools such as the online platform and the VR simulation platform.
The second speech has been delivered by Dr Rocco Frondizi, a post-doc fellow at the Department of Management and Law with extensive experience in the evaluation of University performance and the development of learning tools. Dr Frondizi offered reflections and perspectives on the use of distance learning and online learning platforms and how these have shifted during and after the Covid period in main OECD countries, also underlining the overall EU strategy related to the evolution of digital learning platforms.
The event concluded with a Q&A session in which several questions have been raised both by graduate students and post-docs in relation to the features of OLMEdu tools, and by students interested in leveraging on the opportunities presented by online and VR instruments.