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OLMEdu Kick-off Meeting

Olia Tsivitanidou

5 Apr 2021

The ‘Open Lab for the up-skilling of higher educational staff in on-line Μanagement Εducation’ (OLMEdu) Erasmus + EU funded Project (@ΙΔΕΠ Διά Βίου Μάθησης) has been officially started with the kick-off meeting that took place virtually on the 31st of March 2021.

We are very happy to announce that our ‘Open Lab for the up-skilling of higher educational staff in on-line Μanagement Εducation’ (OLMEdu) Erasmus + EU funded Project (@ΙΔΕΠ Διά Βίου Μάθησης) has been officially started with the kick-off meeting that took place virtually on the 31st of March 2021. 

The project officially starts in April 2021, with a duration of two years. The OLMedu project aims at the creation of an open lab, including learning content, learning material, ICT tools and a digital platform integrating them, for the up-skilling of Higher Educational Staff (HES) in online Management Education. 

The kick-off meeting took place with a great success, under the excellent coordination of the @Frederick University - Cyprus, and with the participation of all partner institutions, the @University of Partras (Upatras) - Greece, the @Tor Vergata University of Rome (TV) - Italy, the @GrantXpert Consulting (GX) – Cyprus and the @Hellenic Open University (HOU) - Greece. #OLMeDU 

More info:

Questo progetto è stato finanziato con il supporto della Commissione Europea. Questo sito web e tutti i suoi contenuti riflettono solo le opinioni degli autori, la Commissione non può essere ritenuta responsabile per qualsiasi uso che possa essere fatto delle informazioni in esso contenute.


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